High Vibes Living with Jennifer

Eclipses, Change, and Choices

Episode Summary

Have you been feeling the energy movement lately? Maybe you have been feeling it while you are up all night, as so many of us are. Maybe you have been feeling it because you have organized your closet and cabinets and moved all of the furniture in your house multiple times. And maybe you have been feeling it because you have just said farewell to the last remaining connections in your life. Are you wondering what the heck is going on? As we approach the end of October and we enter a eclipse wormhole starting October 25, we can expect a whirlwind of activity that lasts to year end which everything we have been through in the past 3 years has prepared us for. Ready for some eclipse miracles and timeline shifts? They start now and that’s what we are discussing in this week’s article and podcast.

Episode Notes

You are familiar with the expression ‘as within, so without, as above, so below’. It means that there is a mirror effect that exists in everything. Our inner world is reflected in our outer world. What exists in spirit is mirrored on the earth and within each one of us. This is the Law of Divine Oneness, the first of the 13 Universal Laws. 

We understand the concept of energetics when we realize that the earth is a huge energy field and we are all connected to it, to each other, and to spirit through this energy field. 

The energy field is impacted by all sorts of things including our energy and what is going on within countries and populations but it is also impacted by what is going on in our skies. The planets also exert a powerful influence on the earth’s energy field and on each of us. And if you do not think this is true wait until the next Mercury retrograde and all of the life disruptions that this period can create. Did you know that the tides of the earth’s seas and oceans are governed by the moon’s cycles? The planets definitely have an impact on every aspect of our reality.

These planetary impacts can be subtle or direct and occasionally we get a lightning bolt of energy in the form of an eclipse that shakes everything up. It’s showdown time at the ascension station. Eclipses open portals for choices and change and they are polarizing, there is no middle ground.

Eclipses are cosmic wild cards that bring in new energies and usher out old ones. They are universal access tunnels that we can pass through if we have the courage to make big, fast changes and live with the consequences. 

Sometimes this is not voluntary and a choice or change is forced on us either through someone else’s choicesxx. Eclipses shift timelines and break up energy patterns. And they abruptly end anything that is hanging on by a sliver of hope or the tiniest thread of regret. 

Very little escapes the scrutiny of an eclipse cycle and we need them to help us take a step back and consider what we are doing and why and make different choices if we do not like our reality. Eclipses let us know when we have run out of energy road and are trying to keep going when our energy tank is running on fumes. 

Instead of looking at eclipses from an astrological perspective, think of them as energetic reboots or restarts, an opportunity to clear out the old files stored in our cache and decide whether we still want or need them. Eclipses appear in 19 year cycles and the cycle we are in is a repeat of one from November 2003 and prior to that November 8, 1994 with the node entering Taurus in September 1994.

The word eclipse means to outshine, overshadow, and transcend. The 4D bridge is the path of transcension that takes us from the density of 3D to the integrated light of 5D. An eclipse creates a glitch in the matrix, it shifts the energy just enough so that old connections are disrupted.

Read the rest of the article on the blog at enlighteninglife.com